Everything* You Need To Know About BEER
In early March of 2015, I found myself on a mountain, sharing a hot tub with nine other guys after a long day of snowboarding. It wasn’t long before the conversation organically found its way to beer. They talked about IPA’s, lagers, stouts, pilsners, and porters. They used words like “hoppy” and “dry.” Also, I […]
Diamonds Aren’t Made From Coal
For some reason, people think that coal + pressure = diamonds. The prevalent theory is that if I apply several thousands of tons of pressure to a lump of coal, I’ll end up with a lump of diamond. Hey, it worked for Superman, didn’t it? Image © DC Comics, All Rights Reserved. Yes, yes it […]
What Exactly is Hypermiling?
Some of you may already know what this is, but I hadn’t heard about it until a couple of years ago. There are a few different definitions out there, but Google’s got the one that I think is the most succinct: The practice of making adjustments to a vehicle or using driving techniques that […]
The Primary Colors: You Only Got Half the Story
If I were to ask you what the three primary colors were, you would say “red, yellow, and blue” without even thinking. And you would be 100% correct. But if you instead responded with “red, green, and blue,” you would also be 100% correct. Yes, you read that right. See, there are two branches of […]
Mazes and Labyrinths Are Actually Opposites.
Okay, I’m going to pull a “Schrödinger’s Cat” here. Mazes and labyrinths are both the exact same thing, and complete opposites. Now that I have your attention, let me explain. If you pay attention to modern culture, like, at all, then one of two images will come to mind when I say the word […]