How to Eliminate Your Blind Spots
We’re talking about your car. More specifically, your car’s mirrors. When we learn how to drive, we learn how to crack every vertebra in our necks by whipping our heads around our shoulders for a split second to make sure no one’s in our blind spot before we change lanes. And then we learn from […]
What happened in 1066?
Recently, I learned that if you don’t know what happened on October 14, 1066, you run the risk of being treated like you’re the reason humanity hasn’t made more progress as a species. But because I’m nice, I’ll tell you. It was the Battle of Hastings. What is the Battle of Hastings, you ask? Before we […]
What’s the difference between speed reading and PhotoReading?
People are pretty much familiar with the concept of speed reading. But far fewer people have even heard of PhotoReading. That’s because speed reading is literally twice as old as PhotoReading, and you don’t have to buy a $16 book to learn how to do it. So what’s the difference? First, a little history. […]
The Newb vs. Noob Debate: What’s the Difference?
There are two ways to spell it. It’s either N-E-W-B, or the more popular N-O-O-B. You might think it’s safe enough to use the two interchangeably, but a little bit of research will show that there’s actually quite a big difference. Don’t worry, if you use the wrong spelling, all that will happen is everyone […]
Is there such a thing as a Fourth Degree Burn?
The Robocop remake trailer finally hit the internet and they used a phrase I’d never heard before, nor did I believe even existed: fourth degree burn. I always thought there were only three degrees of burns: bad, worse, and worst. I mean, there’s no such thing as the “worster” burn. Screenwriters have been known […]