We’re talking about your car. More specifically, your car’s mirrors. When we learn how to drive, we learn how to crack every vertebra in our necks by whipping our heads around our shoulders for a split second to make sure no one’s in our blind spot before we change lanes. And then we learn from defensive driving courses that this “split second” could be the difference between life and death if we don’t keep our eyes on the road.

There’s always that one guy who won’t let people pass him. Jerk.
Personally, I’m against anything with “blind” in the name when I’m barreling down a highway in a three-ton metal box on wheels at 85 miles per hour. There’s got to be a better way. As it turns out, there is. And it doesn’t involve getting one of those stupid blind spot mirrors to stick onto your existing mirrors. It’s called don’t position your freaking mirrors up so that you have blind spots. This should be obvious. Turns out the standard setup is a complete waste of mirror space. There’s so much overlap, they should make it legal to drive with one mirror missing as long as you have the other two. Wait, that actually is the law.
Say goodbye to blind spots forever! Actually, say good riddance. Actually, don’t say anything because your blind spots can’t hear you. They’re blind and deaf. They’re basically the Helen Keller of car parts. Here’s another picture.

This is actually the world’s least funny 4-panel comic strip.
So there you have it. No more craning your neck to look the complete opposite direction from where you’re supposed to be looking.
Happy driving, NeverNoobs!