Terminology 4
The Primary Colors: You Only Got Half the Story
If I were to ask you what the three primary colors were, you would say “red, yellow, and blue” without even thinking. And you would be 100% correct. But if you instead responded with “red, green, and blue,” you would also be 100% correct. Yes, you read that right. See, there are two branches of […]
Mazes and Labyrinths Are Actually Opposites.
Okay, I’m going to pull a “Schrödinger’s Cat” here. Mazes and labyrinths are both the exact same thing, and complete opposites. Now that I have your attention, let me explain. If you pay attention to modern culture, like, at all, then one of two images will come to mind when I say the word […]
The Newb vs. Noob Debate: What’s the Difference?
There are two ways to spell it. It’s either N-E-W-B, or the more popular N-O-O-B. You might think it’s safe enough to use the two interchangeably, but a little bit of research will show that there’s actually quite a big difference. Don’t worry, if you use the wrong spelling, all that will happen is everyone […]
Is there such a thing as a Fourth Degree Burn?
The Robocop remake trailer finally hit the internet and they used a phrase I’d never heard before, nor did I believe even existed: fourth degree burn. I always thought there were only three degrees of burns: bad, worse, and worst. I mean, there’s no such thing as the “worster” burn. Screenwriters have been known […]